Friday, October 2, 2015

Classes and Cappuccinos

Today was my first day teaching in the classroom.  I wasn't nervous at all actually because all of the students I have interacted with have been so excited to meet me and to talk to me.  Their energy is contagious and everything about gatherings, whether that be classes, meals, or conversations are LOUD.  It's a bit of organized chaos but I love it.  Middle school students in Italy are just like middle school students in America.  I can tell even though I don't understand what they are saying most of the time.  Today was all about getting to know me and asking me a ton of questions about where I live, what my favorite food, color, band, and animal is.  I actually had a hard time answering most of them and just ended up answering in ways I know they would like.  I told them my favorite band/singer was One Direction and Justin Bieber  because they LOVE them.  I think I scored brownie points for sure.  It is so refreshing to feel so welcomed and valued in the classroom and I am excited to help them in every way I can.  The Italian teacher had to translate quite a bit but they were very good about asking questions and being engaged.  She told me the way they discipline is pretty non existent unless the offense is really bad.  I found that very interesting.  There were a few spit wad flying across the room at one point. She said she struggles to find ways to reign them in at times and command respect and attention and I told her not t worry that is not just an issue in her classroom, but in classrooms across the globe.  Anyhow, I had my first taste of Italian coffee which was called caffe del luco if I remember correctly.  You get it out of a machine and oh my gosh I am not a coffee drinker in America but I officially get it.  It was so delicious!!  All the food here has been so delicious.  I feel like I am eating all carbs which my body is still adjusting to but I am just going with the flow and since Emanuela (the Italian English teacher) showed me where her gym is I think I will go check it out on Monday haha.  Oh well, yolo.  You're only in Italy once and I'm going to eat pizza everyday if I wanna.  My roommate moved in today also and she is very cool.  It's SO nice to have someone to talk to in English.  I am already picking up on more Italian and I can feel myself start to think more in Italian as time goes on and that is so exciting for me!  It however has made it very hard for me to think in coherent English sentences which is interesting.  Well that's it for now.  The views ooon my walk today were picturesque and unbelievable.  Once Brent gets here we might not ever leave.  Lol time for dinner!

I miss everyone deeply and the huge part of my heart in Roseburg is hurting.

 Con affetto


1 comment:

  1. It sounds as though you are settling in already, Lins! I can't believe that you're in class so soon, but that's the best way to learn Italian... immerse yourself in it! Enjoy the food, people and experiences... immerse yourself in those, too (even if you come back to us a bit chubby! :-)
