Bueno sera friends! Today was very cool in a lot of ways. I once again entered new classes, was introduced to the students, and listened and corrected grammar and pronunciation as appropriate. I am excited because next week I get to really delve into some activities I have planned for the students. Emanuela says that above anything else my role is to just have conversations with the students. They learn grammar and write in their textbooks all the time with her but this is their only opportunity to really get to talk to a native speaker. That puts a lot less pressure on me. I am so surprised how comfortable I feel in front of the class. My level of confidence through this experience is really astonishing. I have figured out if I have the confidence, know and project that I belong there I can make others believe the same. It's all about how much you believe in yourself and if I have learned anything in the last few years that confidence is the greatest gift you can give to yourself. Similarly, I went out for the first time truly by myself today and just explored the town a bit more (I'm sorry Brent I know you cringe to hear that you worry wart) and I have realized that if I pretend I know where I'm going and what I am doing people are less likely to stare so much. I'm not sure if there is some sort of "American" stamp on my forehead but I feel like I stand out. I guess mostly because of my height. Oh well, I guess I will get used to it. Italians are very complimentary, though. Ever since I got here people have just randomly told me how beautiful I am and how much they love my blonde hair which I think is funny because my hair is currently in a state of grow-out because I am not dying it anymore. I just respond with an awkward grazie and try to move on haha. Yesterday I made a trip to the pharmacy to get some cold medicine because this sickness is kicking my butt. I felt nervous taking it because the package is in Italian and it's a drug but I finally did and man I wish we could get whatever this is in the states because it is magic! On my trip I also bought Malala's autobiography and started in on it and I am already so glad I did. I feel like I am on this Eat, Pray, Love journey and I am so inspired by other strong women who fight for what they want. Her fight was for education and it's really making me think about the privileges of America's education system, and how incredibly lucky I am to get the chance to experience education across the globe. American's idea of what is important in life is not universal and I think that realization is one of the most powerful ones I will take from this experience.
I am off to another afternoon class. I am so surprised and happy to hear all the people who enjoy reading my thoughts throughout this, it means a lot!
“Once we believe in ourselves, we can risk curiosity, wonder, spontaneous delight, or any experience that reveals the human spirit” -E.E. Cummings
ReplyDeleteyou are just helping us all lI've and travel through you thanks love you😄😄😍😍😍😍